Thursday, 28 June 2012

Api Reformasi Di Indonesia Sudah Menyala Di Malaysia?

Krisis kewangan yang melanda beberapa buah negara di benua Asia pada tahun 1997 meninggalkan banyak detik hitam yang hingga kini masih memberi kesan psikologi terhadap rakyat negara-negara tersebut.

Thailand, Filipina, Indonesia dan Malaysia adalah antara negara yang terawal dilanda krisis tersebut rentetan dari serangan spekulator kewangan antarabangsa, George Soros pada pertengahan tahun 1997.

Menjelang awal 1998, kesan kegawatan ekonomi mula terasa di kebanyakan negara yang terdedah pada serangan spekulator matawang. Suasana ekonomi makin tidak menentu berikutan kejatuhan berterusan nilai matawang masing-masing.

Di Indonesia, kehidupan rakyatnya kian terhimpit dengan kenaikan harga barangan keperluan yang juga dikenali sebagai sembako (sembilan bahan pokok - beras, minyak goreng, terigu, minyak tanah, gula, susu, ikan kering, telur dan garam).

Berikutan itu, protes-protes kecil oleh mahasiswa mula mengambil tempat di jalan-jalan raya yang kemudiannya menjadi besar menuntut perubahan dasar pemerintahan negara yang tika itu di terajui oleh Presiden Soeharto.

Pemimpin-pemimpin politik terkemuka Indonesia seperti Gus Dur, Megawati, Amien Rais dan Sri Sultan turut sama menyemarakkan kehangatan khalayak umum menuntut reformasi total dalam negara Indonesia.

Demonstrasi jalanan yang pada mulanya aman mula bertukar ganas dan tak terkawal apabila kelompok mahasiswa universiti bertembung dengan pasukan keselamatan Indonesia menyaksikan banyak korban dan kecederaan yang berlaku.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Reform Failed To Change Indonesia, Why Follow?

An official research made by  Indo Barometer back in April 25 to May 4, 2011 had given answers which was too hard to swallow for Indonesian reformists who were involved during the street reform that was done in 1998.
According to the study which was done in 33 districts which runs on the policy during President Suharto's era, showed that it was better than the aftermath of 1998 reform.

As much as 28.2 percent respondents from 1,200 people stated that the aftermath of the reform had deteriorate their lifestyle.
Meanwhile another 27.2 percent described that everything was as same and only 22.8 percent agreed that the aftermath of reform is better to be compared to the time of Suharto.
The result of the research was actually gained a few years ago, back in May 20, 2008 where thousands of students and Indonesians made a protest on the aftermath of the reform which failed to change the life in Indonesia.
If 10 years back, they assembled on streets, demanding Suharto to withdraw himself as President, in May 20, 2008, they seemed to have regretted their move.
As for economic move, obviously there has been no changes at all even though the leadership of the country had been changed multiple times after the reform. Indonesia remain as the biggest contributor in housemaid sector to other countries.

The only success they had from the reform was freedom, which obviously had brought even more trouble in terms of relationship between races and religions.
It has been 14 years since the 1998 reform and within the period, many have died due to conflict between race and religion.
1998 reform had proven that it had failed to change the fate of people, and it is coming to the reality where the people seemed to have missed Suharto's strictness in leading their country.
If that is the fact, then why would us Malaysians would want to follow the same method?
Everyone realize that the history of Malaysian reform was mostly led by Anwar Ibrahim, which he fully copied everything from Indonesia.
The moment when Indonesia began their reform in May 1998, Anwar followed the same method a month later on June 18, 1998 when he yelled out the reform theory with the hope that rakyat would support him to help him get to the top.
After losing the Deputy Prime Minister post, by September 2, 1998, Anwar fully manipulated the Indonesian reform which shown Kuala Lumpur filled with street demonstrations.
Shopping complexes and government offices had to be closed, riots and chaos triggered around Kuala Lumpur. At the time, a huge number of students who were influenced with the slogan of anti KKN (Corruption, Cronyism and Nepotism) was chanted by Anwar and those who were on the streets.
Meanwhile, Malaysian Chinese had take the safe step, considering that the dark history of Indonesian reform had caused mass murder of Chinese at the country.
However, seeing Kuala Lumpur being almost as same as what had happened in Indonesia, they then totally rejected such violence which was imported from the neighboring country.
They realize that if such movement would lead to violence where innocent lives were killed, girls were raped and murdered, why would they want to take such path.
Not just that, Indonesian reform also showed that it would disrupt the economy and lives of rakyat.
Majority of Malaysians, Malay, Chinese, Indian and others then decided that such measure is not the answer. Especially when it is brought up a politician who is selfish and would sacrifice the nation for his own interest.
Thus, it is clear that the political culture which is brought by Anwar is a failure and it is not suitable to be used in this country. There are no reason for us to follow any of it.
Street demonstrations are not the way for us to develop our country. Only sensible transformation and competitive leadership would move our nation forward.

Article - Beruang Biru

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Suara Keadilan Menipu Lagi

Muka depan akhbar Suara Keadilan memaparkan tajuk Bakal Menantu Najib Penipu. Tajuk ini bukan sahaja memperlihatkan yang akhbar tersebut membuat keputusan mendahului sistem perundangan, malah memfitnah secara terang-terangan.
Dalam mengulas berita tersebut, Ketua Wanita Keadilan Zuraida Kamaruddin pula dengan tidak semena-mena mencabar Datuk Seri Najib untuk menyaman malu akhbar New York Post yang mula-mula menyiarkan berita mengenai Daniyar Nazarbayev. Begitu juga dengan Ketua Serikandi Keadilan, iaitu Siti Aishah Shaik Ismail menyuruh keluarga Datuk Seri Najib menjawab isu ini.
Mendesak Datuk Seri Najib atau keluarga untuk menjawab isu dan menyaman malu akhbar yang menyiarkan berita tersebut amatlah tidak masuk akal. Jika ada pihak yang perlu mengambil tindakan sedemikian ia pastilah keluarga Nazarbayev sendiri. Datuk Seri Najib dengan mereka tiada pertalian darah pun, dan hubungan mereka adalah sekadar ikatan pertunangan antara anak masing-masing sahaja.
Kita tahu bahawa parti Pakatan Rakyat amat terdesak untuk mencari isu bagi menghadapi pilihanraya yang semakin hampir.
Tetapi, ketahuilah oleh mereka bahawa kisah mengenai bakal menantu Perdana Menteri bukan satu isu kerana ia tiada kena mengena dengan rakyat dan negara. Begitu juga, apabila kisah tersebut tidak benar kerana pihak yang terlibat iaitu ibu kepada Daniyar, Maira, telah pun membuat penafian.
Menurut Maira, beliau masih punya ikatan perkahwinan dengan Bolat Nazarbayev dan tidak pernah dikehendaki oleh Interpol. Malah, pada ketika beliau ditanya, mereka sekeluarga sedang merancang percutian musim panas ke Eropah.
Jelas, Maira dan anaknya bebas bergerak ke mana-mana malah beliau juga boleh dihubungi untuk mendapatkan kenyataan. Jika benar beliau adalah orang yang dikehendaki oleh Interpol, tidak mungkin Interpol tidak dapat menangkapnya sedangkan wartawan juga mampu menghubunginya?
Suara Keadilan harus belajar mengenalpasti yang mana satu isu politik dan yang mana tidak. Jika tidak tahu mengenalpasti isu, janganlah menggunakan nama dan lambang parti untuk menerbitkan akhbar. Lebih elok jika akhbar ini digelar akhbar tabloid yang menyiarkan gossip dan tahyul untuk hiburan pembaca.
Lebih dari itu, parti PKR sendiri harus belajar untuk mengenalpasti mana isu yang penting dan mana yang tidak untuk dijuarai mereka. Dengan menyerang keluarga, atau lebih tepat, bakal keluarga, menunjukkan yang PKR sudah hilang pertimbangan. Seolah-olah dendam parti ini kepada BN adalah dendam peribadi dan bukannya antara lawan politik.
Jika isu ini dibawa oleh PKR ke pentas kempen pilihanraya, ia sekali gus menunjukkan yang benarlah Datuk Seri Najib adalah seorang pemimpin yang hebat dan BN adalah parti yang tepat untuk rakyat sehinggakan PKR tidak mampu mencari isu lain untuk menyerang. Kerana itulah PKR terpaksa memainkan isu bakal keluarga yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan rakyat dan negara.

Sumber - Beruang Biru